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What is a Unified Identity Security Platform?


A unified identity security platform brings together previously distinct processes to manage user permissions, privileged access, authentication and verification, and analytics and compliance metrics. In doing so, you can control identity sprawl which is the root cause of many cybersecurity exposure gaps. Deploying a unified identity security platform can close those gaps, reduce risk, increase efficiencies and bring governance to the far reaches of your enterprise.

Benefits of a Unified Identity Security Platform

With a unified identity security platform, you can take a holistic approach to managing users and access permissions – and bring together all aspects of identity management. You can break down silos of user data and correlate user information across your enterprise. This delivers end-to-end governance and security to traditionally unrelated platforms and environments, including UNIX/Linux, Mac and Windows; SAP and Oracle; AWS and Google Cloud services; ServiceNow and Salesforce; and many other cloud and on-prem resources. A modern identity security platform is how you can centralize user data, automate governance processes, benefit from robust analytics and adaptive cybersecurity resilience, and continuously verify to increase situational awareness and quickly respond to security anomalies.

So, whether your primary concern is securing your organization, driving efficiencies, ensuring compliance or enabling a secure digital transformation, you can achieve them. A unified identity security strategy is the way to combat modern attack methods and take your organization into the future.

What is identity sprawl and how can I control it?

Identity sprawl is the modern digital phenomena – and security challenge – that results from the ongoing effort to equip a workforce with the resources and tools to do their job more efficiently. As applications are updated or replaced, new user accounts are created, and the user data is redundantly stored. A recent global survey of IT security professionals revealed that over half of large organization maintains 25 separate silos of user data and 20 percent have more than 100 systems to maintain and secure. With separate instance of user data on each different system, whether its on-prem, in the corporate cloud or a SaaS resource, that’s a lot of credentials to protect and processes to secure. That’s identity sprawl.
What is driving identity sprawl

What is driving identity sprawl?

If you’re feeling the risk from identity sprawl, you’re not alone. In a recent survey, over 84 percent of respondents said that the number of identities they manage has more than doubled in the last few years. We are currently undergoing fundamental changes in how business is done. Some of the forces behind this include:

  • The rapid disappearance of the traditional office and infrastructure
  • Dispersed organizations are here to stay – employees are increasingly working from home and from remote locations
  • A reliance on contractors and external partners to scale and expand value
  • The push to adopt new platforms and technologies to accommodate remote access and non-traditional work environments
  • The rise of cloud-first computing and the distribution of cloud services to different physical locations
What can I do about the fragmented way my organization manages identities and accounts?

What can I do about the fragmented way my organization manages identities and accounts?

You can consolidate all identity data and user permissions management to one resource. Operate with the resources and tools you need but lock down security by controlling and monitoring access and activity, automate initial incident responses, and by extending your visibility to cloud-based and third-party resources. Behavioral analytics capabilities can extend security to protect your organization from internal threats from privileged users and compromised privileged user credentials. A unified identity security platform breaks down silos of user data, applies consistent governance across the enterprise and delivers high-definition visibility into user access and activities.
Where can I learn details about Unified Identity Security platform solutions?

Where can I learn details about Unified Identity Security platform solutions?

See our solutions pages to get more information about the challenges our Unified Identity Security platform can help you overcome.

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Control identity sprawl and close cybersecurity gaps with One Identity.