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Unify your identity security environment with One Identity Fabric

The One Identity Fabric isn't just a solution – it's an ecosystem that seamlessly connects previously siloed identity tools and unifies your entire identity and access management (IAM) framework.

Unify and secure your IAM with the One Identity Fabric 00:45

Benefits of the One Identity Fabric:

Eliminates identity fragmentation by unifying multiple IAM segments

Provides continuous security and compliance across all interconnected IAM segments, including isolated ones

Enables identity orchestration between IGA, PAM, AM and AD/Entra ID Security and Mgmt environments

Streamlines AI capabilities across the entire identity ecosystem

Simplifies authentication and authorization for all identities (including general users, privileged accounts and third parties), across the entire IAM infrastructure

Reduces privilege escalation attacks

Ensures on prem systems are securely integrated and can leverage advanced authentication protocols, regardless of age or compatibility

One Identity Fabric Overview

The One Identity Fabric integrates key IAM capabilities into one cohesive solution, providing both security and operational efficiency. With seamless data synchronization and communication, administrators can consistently manage security controls across all systems, whether cloud-based or legacy. One Identity Fabric lets you start where you need and scale as you grow.

The One Identity Fabric includes:

  • Identity governance and administration (IGA)
  • Privileged access management (PAM)
  • Access management (AM)
  • Active Directory Security and management (AD Mgmt)

Featured products

Identity Manager

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One Identity Safeguard

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Active Roles

Secure and automate the administration, access and provisioning of users and groups for AD/Entra ID

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