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Insurance company optimizes operations and security

Insurance company optimizes operations and security
Global insurance company solves the puzzle of Identity Governance and Privileged Access Management 01:31
Solving the puzzle of Identity Governance and Privileged Access Management
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CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A., the Italian branch of CNP Assurances, a leading player in the insurance industry with more than 7,000 employees worldwide, was facing the challenge of managing the identities and access of its team. With diverse users accessing various systems, the need for a comprehensive identity governance and administration (IGA) and privileged access management (PAM) solution became imperative.
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One Identity is a complete vendor for a comprehensive IGA/PAM solution

Filippo Pisapia Information Security Manager, CNP Vita Assicura


After careful evaluation, CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. chose One Identity for its integrated IGA and PAM capabilities, customization, and flexibility. Partnering with S2E, an established One Identity partner, facilitated seamless integration and implementation of both One Identity Manager and Safeguard. By consolidating various tools into a unified platform, CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. achieved centralized governance, regulatory compliance and an overall enhanced cybersecurity posture.


  • Slashed request processing time from days to minutes
  • Enhanced security through reduced attack surface
  • Boosted access visibility with a unified view
  • Improved compliance and audit capabilities with centralized governance
  • Reduced onboarding time from two weeks to one hour
  • Increased compliance adherence

The Story

CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. embarked on a digital transformation journey aimed at enhancing the security and visibility of identities, streamlining operations and elevating customer service. As the organization expanded its Italian footprint, managing identities and access across diverse systems became increasingly complex. Filippo Pisapia, Information Security Manager at CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A., recognized the need for a centralized solution to ensure security and compliance while accommodating the evolving needs of the organization.

With over 1.4 million customers in Italy, CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. began the search for a partner who could provide a comprehensive identity governance and administration (IGA) and privileged access management (PAM) solution.

Pisapia understood the criticality of having a centralized, robust identity management solution in today's digital landscape. While operational processes were established, they were distributed over various tools and partly delegated to manual actions. By implementing One Identity Manager and One Identity Safeguard, CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. gained a significant reduction in onboarding time, an improved security posture, and enhanced compliance capabilities.

The organization’s decision to choose One Identity was driven by the platform's flexibility, customization options, and ability to serve as a single vendor for both IGA and PAM needs. The solution not only streamlined access management but also provided exhaustive tracking of processes, approvers and integrated audit/compliance features.

A custom integration with the mainframe allowed CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A.’s most critical application, its Company portfolio, and its account management to be centralized and safeguarded under One Identity. Prior to implementing Safeguard, CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. lacked a formal PAM process and solution, relying on ticketing and audit logs for system administration tracing, which proved time-consuming and inefficient. With Safeguard, requests and sessions are centralized, enhancing control and efficiency.

Looking ahead, CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. plans to further leverage One Identity Safeguard to integrate seamlessly into their DevOps environment, ensuring both security and operational efficiency. With an IGA and PAM solution in place, they also anticipate significant reductions in cybersecurity insurance premiums. With a clear focus on delivering exceptional value to their customers while safeguarding sensitive data, CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. continues to innovate and evolve in the ever-changing landscape of identity security.