Let's take a look at one of the most common security problems and time suckers in IT.
It's Monday morning. An employee gets to their desk. They go to log in and realize that they've forgotten their password. They changed it on Friday due to the company's password change policies, and now a weekend has gone by, and they forget what they changed it to.
In the old days, you would call the Help Desk, and the Help Desk would have to trust that the person calling in is in fact who they say they are. And the Help Desk representative would also know the user's password, even if it's for a short period of time. This is obviously a security problem and can also be an audit and compliance problem as well.
With Password Manager, we solve that. The user would simply click on the Forgot My Password link that we've added to their computer. And once they do, they can find their user or type in their username depending on how you have it set up.
Once they've done that, they can click on Forget My Password right here. And we'll take them to the Password Reset workflow.
When the user was set up, they were asked a series of questions and asked to answer those questions. Here, they're being presented with those questions. For demo purposes, I'm asking a large number. You can pick and choose the questions you want, and how many, and how many need to be answered in order to do a reset.
Once I've answered them correctly, it will allow me to change my password. You'll also notice that it's letting me know the exact policies and rules about passwords in my environment that pertain to me. And these can be different for different users.
You'll notice here that because I put in a password that didn't meet one of the requirements-- in this particular case it's six characters instead of seven-- it's letting me know that in big red letters. So now, let me enter a password that is in fact the right length.
And just like that, I've changed my password. I close the box. And now I go to log in just as I normally would.
In this case, this user also needs two factor authentication.