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Webinar: Regulating Privileged Access: When to Require Human Approval Workflows

Webinar: Regulating Privileged Access: When to Require Human Approval Workflows
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Aug. 24, 2017
  • Événement:a la demande
Webinar: Regulating Privileged Access: When to Require Human Approval Workflows

Back in the day, privileged account access control processes were almost completely manual, time-consuming and often involved a fire call desk staffed by techs that only knew how to use a workflow app. Today, these processes are automated and highly efficient.

But when is that not enough? When should a human be required to evaluate the requester, the system/account requested, and/or the purpose of the request?

Ce que vous apprendrez

View this on-demand Randy Franklin Smith webinar to hear a discussion about risk factors and other situations that make human approval for privileged account access critical, such as when one of the following is involved:

  • High-value/high-risk systems and processes
  • The requester is normally not authorized to address an emergency
  • Systems and user types for which automated approvals are too risky to apply hard-and-fast automated approval criteria
  • Policies require dual authorizations

Plus you’ll hear from One Identity product manager, Tyler Reese, who will show you how the new One Identity Safeguard solution enables approvers to approve (or deny) privileged session requests wherever and whenever. With One Identity Safeguard, there’s no longer a need to be in the office, boot up a laptop, start a VPN session or logon to an app to provide human approval at critical times.


Randy Franklin Smith, Monterey Technology Group

Tyler Reese, One Identity

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